On the first day of Christmas, the Yule Lads brought to me
A raw potato in my right shoe
On the second day of Christmas, we left for Stekkjarstaur
Two glasses of warm sheep’s milk
On the third day of Christmas, we left for Pvoruskleikir
Three batter-covered spoons
On the fourth day of Christmas, we left for Kertasnikir
Four tallow candles
On the fifth day of Christmas, we left for Ketkrókur
Five smoked lamb shanks
On the sixth day of Christmas, we left for Stúfur
Six crusty pans
On the seventh day of Christmas, we left for Askasleikir
Seven bowls to lick
On the eighth day of Christmas, we left for Hurðaskellir
Eight doors to slam
On the ninth day of Christmas, we left for Bjúgnakrækir
Nine smoking sausages
On the tenth day of Christmas, we left for Gluggagægir
Ten windows to peep through
On the eleventh day of Christmas, we left for Gáttaþefur
Eleven loaves of laufabrauð
On the twelfth day of Christmas, we left for Skyrgámur
Twelve bowls of skyr