Some people are early birds. Some people are night owls. Some people aren’t any kind of bird. Some people aren’t even people. But whatdoyoucallpeoplewhoaren’tpeople,anyway? I guess you could just call them by their name. I mean, it’s never a bad idea to call someone by their name, right?
Some people are Jeremy.
Some people are … Suzie.
S o m e p e o p l e . . . a r e . . . Idunno . . . . S t e p h a n i e ? . . . .
. . . .
. . . .
. . . .
What was I saying again?
Do you have a light? I’m going to make another pot of coffee. Do you want some coffee? I need some more coffee.
I can’t go to sleep tonight. There’s someone after me. Havetostayawake.
Yeah. More coffee. Do you want coffee?
As long as you’re up, we’ll stay up with you.