Stuff Monsters Like Retraction

Last Tuesday, intrepid SML reporter Hogson Shivers presented his report: “5 Ways to Prevent Moon Bandit Attacks.” Regretfully, we have discovered that his notes became mixed up with those for a different story. In fact, number four (“never feed them after midnight”) has no effect on moon bandits, but is…

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Stuff Monsters Like Retraction

Last Tuesday, intrepid SML reporter Hogson Shivers misquoted computer scientist and mad inventor Chip Cosmos in his interview “A Man with a Plan: Cosmos’ Plot to Rule the Cosmos.” Regarding his current project of developing an army of sleeper agent kitchen appliances, Dr. Cosmos was quoted as saying, “The robot…

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Stuff Monsters Like Retraction

Last Tuesday, “Stuff Monsters Like” ran a blog piece by guest contributor Hogson Shivers. Regretfully, the piece contained erroneous information about our featured guest King Kong, referred to by Shivers as Mr. Kong. Shivers said Kong was originally from Skull Island. According to Kong’s publicist, the 50-foot simian was actually…

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