Continuing Coverage – Congress Revisits Cookie Monster Issue

In keeping with their recent crusade to create new censorship laws, the U.S. Congress met again on Tuesday to discuss the perennial “problem” of Cookie Monster.

Last fall, Cookie Monster was the subject of several congressional hearings, even appearing in his own defense. (See previous posts, Cookie Monster Corrupts Kids? and Cookie Monster Before Congress.) Public interests groups like MADAM have for some unknown reason selected him as the target of their campaigns against delinquency, evil, and “hardcore images of violence and extreme terror.”

MADAM claims that Cookie Monster is a “gateway ghoul” who lures children into futures of crime and immorality.

In a recent statement to the press, Cookie Monster said:

“Me? Evil? Me no evil. Me no destroy anything except cooookies. Nom nom nom.”

Count on Stuff Monsters Like to continue our updates on Cookie Monster’s quest to be released of all charges.

Non-monster Sesame Street colleague like Elmo spoke to Congress on Cookie Monster's behalf.

Non-monster Sesame Street colleague like Elmo spoke to Congress on Cookie Monster’s behalf.


Our monster mascots help us with our evil schemes, as well as taking care of chores around the mansion. From writing press releases to collaborating on blog posts, this blog would not exist without them.


  1. Wait, Elmo’s been a non-monster this whole time?

    • Well, all we know is what Congress recognizes. And they listed Elmo as a “creature puppet” on their docket.
      It wouldn’t be the first time that Congress is wrong, though, would it?

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