Mischievous “House of Monsters” Web Series Looking for a Kickstart

7e0c704b10f503f3e6aac11ee8d72a33_largeStep inside the House of Monsters!

Hollywood concept artist Dawn Brown (Pirates of the Caribbean, The Hunger Games) wants to develop a web series around her stop-motion animated short film from 2012, House of Monsters. Based on character designs from Warren Manser (Man of Steel, Thor), the web series will follow mummies, vampires, and werewolves through their adventures in a creepy castle overlooking a fearful village.

Brown is looking for audience participation in this series through a Kickstarter campaign. “We felt that Kickstarter would be a great way to get people involved and be a part of the filmmaking process from the very beginning,” said Brown.

The current Kickstarter campaign is set at a goal that funds the first episode of the series. Entitled “Fun in the Sun,” the episode will follow the village’s friendly neighborhood vampire as he tries to kick up some trouble in the daytime. But stretch goals list at least five more episodes, all of which look delightfully devious.

We haven’t had the pleasure of seeing the original House of Monsters short, but were captivated by the levels of precision and dedication to the project that were shown in the Kickstarter video. Our minions have made their donation, and we hope that Ms. Brown and her team make their goal so we can see how the vampire’s story plays out.

Click here for more information and to donate to the House of Monsters Kickstarter campaign.

Concept art from "Fun in the Sun"

Concept art from “Fun in the Sun”


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