Tag: contests
We’ll See You at GeekOut this Weekend!
Who Was the Best 1980s Party Animal: Spuds MacKenzie or Teen Wolf?
Happy Hug A Monster Day 2013!
277. Monsters Like Outdoing Humans at their Own Ideas
Grab Your Wife, Grab Your Kids: Hug A Monster Day 2013 Fast Approaches!
Monsters vs. Cats: The Battle Rages on in Your Homes!
HAPPY HUG A MONSTER DAY!: Send Us Your Photos – Win Awesome Prizes and Attention!
Today is the day! Mutants, beasts, and horrible freaks all around the galaxy run rampant every year on July 27 in celebration. Intergalactic Hug A Monster Day is the only holiday reminding all of humanity and peace-loving extraterrestrials to embrace the monsters in their lives – whatever they may be.…