452. Monsters Like Assaulting Your Olfactory Senses

They’re terrifying. They’re stomach turning, they’re so disgusting. They’re deadly contagious. Some are just plain deadly. But the one thing you always forget about monsters, zombies, woods-bound ax murderers, hell spawn, sewer creatures, and the like: They smell rank. We’re talking week-old-feces, roadkill skunks, B.O.-miasma, stomach-bile-in-the-sun rank. Run, little ones.…

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47. Monsters Like Sewers

There is nothing monsters appreciate more than a good dose of radiation (see previous post). But, man, toxic sludge sure does come close. And what better place to find all the toxic sludge you could ever possibly hope for than in the sewers of a large, polluted city? City sewers…

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