UK Short Film is First in Horror Short Series

Over the last decade, the UK has been rising steadily in the ranks of horror film production and recognition. With no shortage of horror fests and films, the nation is certainly one we here at the SML Haunted Mansion and Blog Laboratory like to keep our evil eye on.

Recently, UK filmmaker Luther Bhogal-Jones sent us the first of the “Disposable Screams” series of short films, entitled “Creak.” The film follows a young couple who are awoken at night by a sound in their flat.

Luther says about the project:

I was never out to reinvent the wheel, just make a fun little “disposable” short film that doesn’t get bogged down in production.

At least 2 more horror shorts will follow this year.

“Knock Knock” is a Bava/Argento inspired affair, then “eXtended” is a bizarro battle in the woods. All should hopefully be peculiar and interesting!

View the video on Vimeo here. For more information about the film and production company, visit their blog and Facebook page.


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