March is Women’s History Month. It’s a time to celebrate – or at least, finally acknowledge – the many great inventions and accomplishments of women around the world and throughout time.
For instance, did you know that Elsa Lanchester, the iconic lead in the 1935 film Bride of Frankenstein, was the first woman to own a Fortune 500 company?*
Or how about the fact that Amelia Earhart wasn’t always a solo flyer, but often took a few friends of hers along for the ride.**
Most remarkably, noir actress Hedy Lamarr co-invented a technology for spread spectrum and frequency hopping communications that’s still used in Wi-fi systems today.*** Thanks, Hedy! Without you, our readers would have nothing to do while waiting in line for the restroom at Mastodon concerts.
Stuff Monsters Like is a big fan of ladies like these. This month, in honor of all the spectacular accomplishments completed by women, we have a very special treat for you, dear readers. Here are the best posts we’ve written about women – so far.