Everything You Need to Know about the 2016 Asheville Zombiewalk

The brains behind Stuff Monsters Like are also the BRAAAAAINNS! behind this year’s Asheville Zombiewalk. If you’re planning on coming to this year’s event, here’s everything you need to know:

We’ve heard your call, Asheville. And we’re giving you what you want: an actual Zombie WALK! Help us spread the zombie infection during the 11th annual Asheville Zombiewalk in downtown Asheville.

Here are all the details we’ve released about this year’s event, all conveniently stored in one easy-to-bookmark link:

AZW_Teaser 2016Event Details

Asheville, prepare to become lunch. Zombies are on the move again!

Put on your most gruesome makeup and your walking shoes! Zombies will not only be gathering, but will be walking through downtown Asheville. We welcome everyone to shamble safely with us along the streets.

WHEN: Sunday, October 9 at 5:30pm

WHERE: Gather in Aston Park, at the corner of Hilliard and S French Broad Avenues.

From there, zombies will be safely guided 10–12 blocks down sidewalks, obeying all traffic directions, to an end point downtown. Zombies are then free to disperse and infect all of downtown with their undead spirit. Also, don’t miss the official afterparty, described below.

Use Your Braaaaaains and Be Safe

We have a favor to ask of you, Asheville: Let’s have a peaceful, safe event.

The Asheville Zombiewalk has always been an apolitical event for zombies of all ages, and this year’s walk is no different. Given recent events in our city and around the state, we’re asking this year’s participants and spectators to show Asheville and the world that we’re here for good ol’ fashioned undead fun—nothing more sinister than that.

We’re rotting flesh. We’re not deplorable people.

The Asheville Zombiewalk requests all participants to please be safe, use common sense, and avoid illegal activities during the walk. It’s fun, it’s a spectacle, but the law still applies to our “walkers”. (See disclaimer below.)

Don’t Miss the Afterparty!

Are you looking for a family friendly alternative for after the Zombiewalk that does not include a downtown bar? Head to the Byrish Haus & Pub (formerly Patton Public House), 1341 Patton Avenue, from 7:00–11:00pm. They will have food, live Halloween music, fun games, and more on their large, fenced back patio. Bring towels for picnic-type event seating and come in costume for a chance to win valuable prizes!

Volunteer with Us, Please

Q: Why did the zombie cross the street?

A: Because it was participating in the 11th annual Asheville Zombiewalk along the streets of downtown Asheville!

But we need your help to get the zombies safely from one side of downtown to the other. We’re looking for a few volunteers to act as zombie crossing guards during the event. You will have a crossing sign and a whistle, and be responsible for helping your zombie hoard cross safely at traffic lights along the route.

This is an important job—you’ll not only be guiding the zombies through the route, but keeping participants from wandering into traffic and getting hurt.

Join the Asheville Zombiewalk Shuffle Patrol today! Contact us at ashevillezombie@gmail.com. There will be a crew after-party for all volunteers!

About the Asheville Zombiewalk

The Asheville Zombiewalk is committed to remaining fun for the whole family. And it’s always free. We look forward to seeing a great group of zombies of all ages. Everyone is invited to make yourself look rotten and bring your fellow horde.

If you have any questions, comments, or complaints about the structure of this year’s event, please see our personalized response to you.

More Information

Follow the Asheville Zombiewalk on Facebook at facebook.com/Ashevillezombiewalk and RSVP for the event: facebook.com/events.

Wear your walking shoes. Asheville zombies walk again.


Our monster mascots help us with our evil schemes, as well as taking care of chores around the mansion. From writing press releases to collaborating on blog posts, this blog would not exist without them.

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